New Site Launched:
Fight For Fitness
November, 2018
This month LMD launched a brand new site design for Fight For Fitness.
It was high time that this fabulous local company had a website to reflect the quality of their fitness services.
The old Fight For Fitness website had great content, but the ageing platform and design meant that this great content could not shine as it should. Also, it was getting to the stage where new features simply could not be bolted on any more. It was time for a total rebuild from the ground up.
Dave at FFF came to us for help. It was clear what we needed to do. Make something sharp and stylish to reflect the FFF services and their culture.
Old vs New Homepage
The brand colours and many of the images were good to reuse so we did where possible. This is mainly because with such radical changes to the rest of the site, any familiarities that the loyal clients could recognise the better.
On the homepage we really needed to sum up on the homepage the key Services again. Through conversation and a review of the analytics, this had proved very useful on the previous site. We also added many of the shop offerings too to boost interest in top items like Fitness Retreats and the Memberships.
The class timetable needed to go as it just didn’t work on the homepage, or on mobile devices very well. Instead we went for a new page per service and a leaner timetable look specific to each service. The apps and online booking system needed to stay but again only on the service pages and tailored where necessary to the service.
Additionally we included an Instagram feed, a map and a contact form on the homepage and every other page for consistency as a way to ensure that no matter what page a visitor was on, they had all they needed to make a booking enquiry.
Lastly we included the social icons and a new privacy page in the footer.
Old vs New Homepage
The brand colours and many of the images were good to reuse so we did where possible. This is mainly because with such radical changes to the rest of the site, any familiarities that the loyal clients could recognise the better.
On the homepage we really needed to sum up on the homepage the key Services again. Through conversation and a review of the analytics, this had proved very useful on the previous site. We also added many of the shop offerings too to boost interest in top items like Fitness Retreats and the Memberships.
The class timetable needed to go as it just didn’t work on the homepage, or on mobile devices very well. Instead we went for a new page per service and a leaner timetable look specific to each service. The apps and online booking system needed to stay but again only on the service pages and tailored where necessary to the service.
Additionally we included an Instagram feed, a map and a contact form on the homepage and every other page for consistency as a way to ensure that no matter what page a visitor was on, they had all they needed to make a booking enquiry.
Lastly we included the social icons and a new privacy page in the footer.
LMD gave me, our existing and our new clients a website that is as beautiful as it is functional. My guys love it!
So there we have it; another LMD website out there…
Perhaps you have a need for a new website that could do with a fresh look and feel for your visitors? If so, we would love to help you.
Why not contact us today and we can have a chat about your needs and goals. In the meantime take a look at the new Fight For Fitness website and see for yourself.